August 21, 2023 — Psychology Today
3 Ways Women Are Impacted by Gaslighting
While every one of us should remain vigilant to the emotionally abusive effects of gaslighting, marginalized groups can be targeted at much greater rates. Women are particularly susceptible to gaslighting because patriarchy thrives off sustaining power over them. Women, generally speaking, are emotionally aware and sensitive to the needs of others, while also being pragmatic and decisive. While emotional awareness and sensitivity are incredible assets to society, certain systems have tried to d... read more >>
August 6, 2023 — Psychology Today
How Forced Masculinity Affects Highly Sensitive Men
Adolescence is a confusing time when we look to our peers to gauge how to act, so we can be accepted. One normalized right of passage with boys is riling each other for being “weak” among the pack if they refuse to participate in courageous, dangerous or risky behavior. This is not something innate but rather something passed down generationally to young boys in their journey toward manhood. While this dynamic can have lasting effects on all boys, it can be especially detrimental to those w... read more >>
July 24, 2023 — Psychology Today
4 Ways Gaslighters Attempt to Ruin Your Self-Esteem
Few people are entirely immune to the effects of gaslighting because its tactics are highly effective. Gaslighting is an attempt made by someone to instill doubt in your perception of reality. It can present in any relationship in which an imbalance of power exists—not just romantic relationships but also relationships with family and friends, at work, in the medical field, in academia or in societal structures as a whole. The aim to negatively impact ego strengths and personal values causes ... read more >>
July 17, 2023 — Psychology Today
How the Neurodiverse Can Better Cope With Decision Fatigue
The clock glowed 3:08 a.m. and I could not believe I was still tossing and turning in bed, over none other than what to name this blog. The options were too vast: There were too many things I was trying to convey at once. I wanted it to be a space where my readers felt taken care of, empowered, and protected. In Your Corner had been suggested by a fellow writer and I thought that could stick. ... read more >>
February 27, 2023 — Sensitive Refuge
How to Recover From a Breakup as an HSP
For HSPs, the emotional toll of a breakup can feel like riding a vicious wave where the nervous system cannot “right” itself. Here’s how to not drown. Most people can agree: Breakups are hard, especially if you’re a highly sensitive person (HSP). The process of ending a relationship, even for the right reasons, can feel impossibly difficult. Research has found this to be true, too. Among divorced couples in Britain, one study foundthat the stress leading up to a breaku... read more >>
December 19, 2022 — Sensitive Refuge
HSPs, Do You Have ‘Too Much’ Empathy? (And What to Do About It)
Nearly 1 in 3 people are wired to soak up emotions. Here’s what to do when it goes wrong. One of the remarkable parts of being a highly sensitive person (HSP) is their profound ability to experience empathy. And since HSPs make up nearly 30 percent of the population, that means there are a lot of empathetic people out there. When the neural activity of HSPs was examined as they viewed images of human emotions ranging from positive, negative, and neutral facial expressions, research... read more >>
September 2, 2022 — Sensitive Refuge
How to Thrive Working in a Caring Profession as an HSP, According to a Therapist
As an HSP, it can be difficult to turn off the desire to help — but here’s why doing so will help you thrive at your job, not just survive. For highly sensitive people (HSPs), it can be a major undertaking to choose a career path. HSPs often desire to do work wherein they are of service to others — to follow their passion and purpose — while also not becoming overstimulated. Working in a “helping”/caring field — such as in the medical or psychology field... read more >>
February 24, 2022 — Medium
Falling In Love Again With Your Spouse: Dr Amelia Kelley On 5 Things You Need To Rekindle Love In A Marriage That Has Gone Cold
An interview with Brett Lovett From the interview: When people first get married, they are usually deeply in love and extremely excited to be together. But sometimes, over time, that passion and excitement begins to fade. This has been particularly true after the pandemic, when many marriages went through great upheavals. What can a coupl... read more >>